Thursday, May 28, 2009


The stray was carted away by maintenance (I LOVE living in an apartment). I can't believe - I'm almost 30 and the cats are coming to me, the old spinster, but I sent him packing. Oh, and I sent the Lime Ricki suit back. The bottom half looked nude and the top was WAY too big. To look like I am out of middle school, is that too much to ask?

So, I purchased a new one on VS - the picture online might be a tad immodest, but on me (with NO cleavage), I think it will be a-okay. IF it's cute, I may post pictures once it comes. Cross your fingers it fits!!

I ran the Bolder Boulder (a 10K) for the third year and got my best time. Still not under an hour, but REALLY close.

I am in the middle of three books right now - Atlas Shrugged, Wealth of Nations and Undaunted Courage. By the end of the summer, I will be done with all three. So let it be written, so let it be done. CONFESSION: I started UC and WoN at least 2 years ago. Disgruntled that I can get through 4 twilight books in a matter of months, but books that REALLY might breed new thought and further my intellectual capacity sit on the shelf half read for years. Bad sign of character or is this NORMAL??

I am almost done with my application for school at CU Denver. I just need to write the essay. I should start in August if all goes as planned. 37 credits to the MCAT and about 9 years to life as a dermatologist.

My little roommate Jennie is coming to town in October - I LOVE HER!!

I will be traveling out of the country at the end of the summer. These are the options:

France/Switzerland/maybe Spain
New Zealand/Fiji

Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Meowing at volumes previously unsurpassed by domestic felines, the gray stray bared his sharp, carnivorous canines and glowered at me. Hungry, full of intention, he crept toward the screen and clawed his way to a standing height of over two feet. Sensing a territorial battle approaching, I quickly grasped the glass door for protection and slammed it noisily to a close, bringing lowder, almost baby-like cries. Not to be halted in my endeavor to separate myself, I floundered with the lock and brought the long venetians to a quiet close. Silence. If only the glass divide between us could ameliorate the guilt I felt inside. No creature should feel so unwanted.

Undeterred, the cries began once again, screaming at me as if he would will his way inside. What did he want? Why me? GO HOME. I do not want you. The embodiment of torture, just the thought of reaching down for one small carress along his jagged fur brings me running to the rescue of the smallest of pills.

Animal control....are you there? leave a message? not open? one more night, I can do it. Resolved, hopeful for resolution, I leave. Hours later, my return finds the situation unchanged. I will not back down. I go to bed, waking up to the same vicious cries. No, I will not feed you, PLEASE just go home, you find no friends here. I feel so cold, so unloving. The internal struggle rises, I have some milk, just a little will do no harm. No harm? He will NEVER leave if he has the slightest window of hospitality. I look, he looks back. The silent staring ensues. Who will give in, who will conquer. I close the blinds. I will not back down.

Animal control calls. Cats are free to roam. No help, no resolution. Thoughts of picking up the tortured bring hallucinations, no, there must be another way. I step out, glass in hand, overturned and the ground is wet. Darn, a miss. Another one, a small splash on the fur, but he is coming back. More water, and still no reason to flee. He is not afraid. I have lost. A stray forever my new mate.