Hey hey, I just have a few things to say. First, it has been brought to my attention that my last couple of posts have been sad, depressing, negative, or some other equally unhappy adjective. So, I apologize for that, they weren't meant to be a downer, more just commentary on life.
Second, I have some seriously good things in my life right now, and I want to devote this entry to focusing on these for a minute. I LOVE my job. Love it. Who knew accounting could be so much fun, and so interesting, and bring me such happiness...it's great. I'm very lucky. I work with the best of the best and get to help some really great people, so I am most definitely blessed in a big way for getting to do something I love and getting paid for it.
I have the best family. Hands down. No one can compete on this one. Mom, dad, sisters, brothers, I can't imagine what I did to deserve them, but I am so glad they're mine and I would not trade ANY of them. They're all such good examples to me. My dad has such a heart of gold. He would do anything for me, or anyone else, no matter how badly I treated him or how ungrateful I was, he has always been consistently good, loving, kind, the best dad in the world. I don't think he ever thinks about himself, and he always does what's right.
My mom, my best friend, she is the best listener, hardest worker, teaches with tough love - one of the best lessons you can learn in life, she is not afraid to make a statement with her electric red hair (that takes 4 hours to do - props to you, mom), and she, too, has such a good heart, always concerned for others. She was such a lifesaver in one of the toughest parts of my life - one of the only people I really felt understood what I was going through, so again, I am blessed far beyond what I deserve.
I don't know where to start with my sisters. There just aren't words that do them justice. They are my confidantes, my oasis in the desert, I think they are the cream filling in my life (not the Little Debbie fake filling, the real stuff, like they put in the cream puffs, mmmm). They make life so rich with goodness, and they are all so sweet and loving and so drama-free. They can turn any frown upside down :) that was so cheesy, but it's true. My brother is also too good for words, he has taught me so much about life and work, and I give him credit for me becoming an accountant - he was the first to plant the seeds, so thank for that, Jake. And, thanks for marrying such a great girl, a perfect addition to the sisterhood.
I could go on about the fam, but that will have to do. There is so much in life that is good. So that's the message. I feel bad that my last couple posts seemed like I was down on life. It's not true. I love life, I think sometimes there are circumstances that may challenge, and sometimes that does get under my skin, but I think that's normal. It's that little opposition that makes the good so good. So, that's it for now - I have once again, stayed up waaay past my bedtime. It was (um, "was" is the key word) my new year's resolution to get to bed before midnight every night. I think it's happened twice since the beginning of the year. Oh, here's to baby steps. Anyway, auf wiedersien (sp?).